Saturday, May 19, 2007

Rocket Fuel?

I'm sitting here in the John Wayne airport just biding my time until it's time to head back to Oakland, and since my brain cells are pretty much fried (came down to Newport Beach, CA for work), I really didn't have the energy to respond to e-mails, so I opted for reading my newsletter instead (latest Insider newletter is here:

One of the articles was a recipe for what the author called "Rocket Fuel." As I read it, I admittedly thought it did sound quite nutritious and you could do all kinds of things to make the flavor even better - especially since I love experimenting with flavoring.

Unfortunately, as I read it, it made me feel horrible about my choice of food here at the Oasis Grill & Sky Lounge. It was a grilled vegetable sandwich, complete with zucchini, tomato, portabello mushroom and something else. Oh...right...and the pesto aioli. :-/ If I were REALLY disciplined, I would have said "hold the aioli" and not even had a second thought. I think the fatigue has set in though and all I could think about was just having a bite to eat, sipping my cold beer and trying not to collapse. I *did* have a great run this morning, but I generally don't justify poor food choices with a good workout - it's not good practice.

At the end of the day, though, I still ate my vegetables, skipped the fries on the side and enjoyed the overabundance of pesto aioli that coated the bread and veggies. Sometimes, you just have to be satisfied that you did the best you could given the circumstances and move on to the next day. Life's too short to dwell.

Tomorrow's recipe: Rocket Fuel. :)

Recipe: Rocket Fuel

2 boneless skinless chicken breasts
3 cups Brown Rice
1 can black beans

½ cup red onion
2 cloves garlic
½ cup olive oil
½ cup red or yellow peppers
1 carrot
1 cup broccoli
1 cup zucchini (optional)
1 egg (optional)

Heat ¼ cup olive oil, ¼ cup diced red onion, and minced clove of garlic over med-high heat. Add chicken breast and pan-sear.

Cook 3 cups of brown rice with water or chicken-broth option.

Heat 1 can of black beans .

Add chopped veggies to chicken. Let veggies soften and absorb flavors from the chicken. Add black beans and cover with brown rice. Mix together over high heat and package for leftovers all week. The entire list totals approximately $15. Bon Appétit.


Anonymous said...

The meal you had sounds really nutritious. Unless your trying to drop weight, a little pesto shouldn't be a problem. It's stuff like hydrogenated oil and his evil twin high fructose corn syrup that we need to watch out for.

Full disclosure: I just ate a slice of pizza and feel great about it. Kill me. I'll start on the Rocket Fuel next week! :)

Sarah said...

Oh, I feel so validated. THANK YOU! Sometimes pizza is so incredibly satisfying. It's reaching for that second (or third) slice where willpower comes into play.

It's been a crazy week so I haven't tried the Rocket Fuel yet but I'll post updates when I do.