Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Today is my rest day

My body is most certainly fighting a cold and I realized that if I don't stop and take a day in the middle of this insane week to just let it do its thing and fight those nasty bacteria that are attempting to invade my nose and throat, it will most certainly lose that battle. That would suck. I just needed a day to sleep in a little more and let my muscles have a break. I'm really going to have a couple of intense weeks coming up so that I can have a nice period of tapering to let my muscles repair and be ready for the big day.

I also decided I should post the race schedule. The races listed in purple are ones that I've already signed up for; the races listed in green are ones that I am still considering.

May 7, 2006: Wildflower ( in Lake San Antonio, Monterey County, CA - Olympic Distance (0.92 mi swim; 40K bike; 10K run)

June 4, 2006: Escape from Alcatraz ( in San Francisco, CA - Olympic Distance though slightly off the standard (1.2 mi swim; 18 mi bike; 8 mi run)

June 25, 2006: San Jose International Triathlon ( in San Jose, CA at Lake Almaden - Olympic Distance. My very first tri that I did last year and a really fun, fast race. Definitely see it as a possibility.

July 16, 2006: Donner Lake Triathlon ( in Truckee, CA at Donner Lake - Olympic Distance. By far the hardest thing I have ever done in my life and one of the most rewarding. I seriously can't wait to do it again.

July 22, 2006: Trans Tahoe Relay in LAKE TAHOE, CA!!! Team Tequila Goggles will once again traverse the beautiful blue waters of Lake Tahoe, in addition to the Lone Tequila Shot, Alice Wong, who will be doing it SOLO! You go, girl. We've already got the cabin!

July 30, 2006: VINEMAN (
in Santa Rosa, CA - Half Ironman Distance (1.2 mi swim; 56 mi bike ride; 13.1 mi run). I am half excited and half scared beyond belief. That's one long ride...followed by one long run. My stomach is turning as I write this.

August 5, 2006: Donner Lake Swim in Truckee, CA - 2.8 mile swim across Donner Lake. My most favorite open-water swim (Trans-Tahoe doesn't count b/c that's a team effort, totally different thing). This is a maybe because it will truly depend on the state of my body one week post-Vineman.

Maybe one other race after all of that? Santa Cruz Sentinel, perhaps? Something further down south? If I do a race after that, it probably wouldn't be until September. I'm going to talk around and see what others are doing.

So there it motivation all laid out in front of me!

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